
Split PDF File into Multiple Files using C# .NET

Split PDF files into multiple documents. You can split the PDF documents with single C# API call. Use C# code for splitting all document or specific pages.
· Farhan Raza · 3 min

Using cURL commands to Process Header and Footer of MS Word document on macOS

cURL commands are an excellent way of transferring data with URLs. cURL commands are recommended to use APIs from command line terminals. It not just only allows us to make regular requests, but we can also post forms data, authenticate users, save responses to files and other related file manipulation operations. In simple words, curl is a command-line utility for transferring data from or to a server designed to work without user interaction.
· Nayyer Shahbaz · 6 min

Add or Update Header Footer in Word Document using REST API

A quick view of MS Word document transformation. A header is the top margin of each page, and a footer is the bottom margin of each page. Headers and footers are useful for including information that you want to display on every page of a document such as your name, dates, the title of the document, page numbers, or disclaimers to documents. When using MS Word, it provides the capabilities to add Header and Footers based on predefined layouts or enable you to add custom headers and footers.
· Nayyer Shahbaz · 6 min

Convert an Image to Grayscale with RESTful API

We have introduced a most awaited feature of image to greyscale conversion in Aspose.Imaging Cloud API
· Farhan Raza · 2 min

Replace Text in PDF and Encrypt PDF with Password Protection

Find and Replace text in PDF document. You can encrypt PDF files and decrypt PDF files. Secure PDF files with Password protection with Aspose.PDF Cloud API.
· Farhan Raza · 3 min

Create a Chart in Excel file and Export Chart to Image with Cloud API

You can create charts in Excel Spreadsheets or worksheets with Aspose.Cells Cloud API. Convert chart to image with REST API.
· Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert Word to HTML and Vice Versa using REST APIs

You can convert Word to HTML files like DOCX to HTML or DOC to HTML with Aspose.Words Cloud REST API. Word to HTML conversion is simple and efficient.
· Farhan Raza · 3 min

Reverse Image Search and Image Deskewing with Aspose.Imaging Cloud

We are excited to inform you about the newly introduced features in Aspose.Imaging Cloud API. Now it supports website-based image source for reverse image search. The image deskewing feature also makes the API second to none. We are continuously working and improving to offer you the best solutions possible. Reverse image search is useful for finding duplicate or similar images. It can also help to monitor obscene or graphic content.
· Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert HTML to PDF with Aspose.PDF Cloud API

You can create, edit or manipulate PDF files with Aspose.PDF Cloud. HTML to PDF conversion is one of the famous use cases.
· Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert FBX to PDF and GLB to PDF with high-quality rendering

Convert FBX to PDF and GLB to PDF at any platform with Aspose.3D Cloud API. Process AMF, RVM, DAE, DRC, gLTF, OBJ, PLY, STL, U3D, DXF, JT, X, and 3MF files.
· Farhan Raza · 3 min