
Aspose ニュースレター 2013年 7月

SD Times 100 と Aspose Cloud API Aspose は、今年も SD Times 100 にノミネートされ光栄に存じます。IBM、Microsoft (AML & Development Tools)、Amazon と Google (The Cloud), および Android Open Source Project and Apply (Mobile) などの企業と同じリストに名前が載ることを非常に嬉しく思っております。APIs、Libraries および Frameworks のカテゴリに Aspose がリストされています。このような栄誉は、Aspose の新しいプラットフォーム: Aspose Cloud を紹介するのに最適な時期だと考えております。 クラウド サービス 数年に渡り、Aspose ではあらゆるタイプの開発者向けに製品を提供してきました。近年、SaaS (Software as a Service) 環境で作業するお客様が増えてきています。Aspose のサービスへのアクセスを提供するために、APIs RESTful を用意しました。その結果、Aspose Cloud と言う、ユーザー フレンドリーで効果的な API の新しいセットを持つ新しいプラットフォームが完成しました。以下の製品スポットライトや Announcement blog post で Aspose のクラウド製品を紹介していますので、参照してください。使用統計を取得する 3 種類の方法を紹介したサンプルを用意しましたので、是非、ご覧ください。 Thank you for reading, John Owens, Aspose Europe
· Caroline Von Schmalensee · 2 min

Saaspose is now 'Aspose Cloud'

As we mentioned in the newsletter at the beginning of April and on our website we have completed the re-branding of Saaspose as “Aspose Cloud” and moved the content to the Aspose.com domain alongside our other file format products. Bringing the brand under the Aspose parent brand will let us continue to support even more file formats, improve the fidelity of conversions, and speed up improvements to our SDKs and Documentation.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 3 min

Aspose Cloud REST API Documentation Changes Introduced During the Month of March 2013

Document processing and manipulation tasks were never so easy and quick before Aspose Cloud APIs. We have always put efforts to serve our customers with impeccable solutions and quality results. You can enjoy a whole new experience of processing your documents in the cloud through Aspose Cloud file format APIs such as Aspose.Words for Cloud, Aspose.Cells for Cloud, Aspose.Slides for Cloud, Aspose.PDF for Cloud etc. You can add pictures in the workbooks using Aspose Cloud.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 1 min

Aspose Cloud REST API Features Implemented in SDKs During the Month of March 2013

Aspose Cloud has provided a collection of File Format APIs to help you manipulate your documents and enhance the productivity of your applications. You can manipulate your documents in the cloud and integrate the features in your applications to enhance the productivity.We have provided SDK examples for different programming languages like .NET, Java, PHP and Ruby. You can utilize these SDKs to integrate Aspose Cloud file format APIs in your applications across any platform.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 1 min

Aspose Cloud REST API Features Implemented in SDKs During the Month of February 2013

Aspose Cloud file format APIs let you add a variety of features to your applications and take document processing experience to another level. You can manipulate your documents in the cloud and integrate the features in your applications to enhance the productivity.We have provided SDK examples for different programming languages like .NET, Java, PHP and Ruby. You can utilize these SDKs to integrate Aspose Cloud APIs in your applications across any platform.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 1 min

Aspose Cloud SDK for Android: Demo Application Released

We have previously shared that the Aspose Cloud SDK for Android has been released to facilitate the Android developers with feature-rich APIs round the globe. Let it be text extraction from images, merging multiple presentations or conversion of different file formats, Aspose Cloud APIs provides a wide range of useful and productive features that yield quality results. You can download our SDKs in different programming languages such as .NET, Java, PHP and Ruby from Github.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 2 min

Aspose Cloud SDK is now available for Android

Aspose Cloud is pleased to announce that we have recently released Aspose Cloud SDK for Android. A great news is out there for all Android developers to enjoy a whole new experience of document manipulation in the cloud. We have been working on Aspose Cloud SDK for Android to facilitate the android developers with feature-rich APIs round the globe. Aspose Cloud REST APIs gives developers total control over documents and file formats on all platforms.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 2 min

Aspose Cloud REST API Features Implemented in SDKs During the Month of January 2013

Aspose Cloud APIs allow you to manipulate your documents in the cloud and provide features that improve the productivity of your applications. We have provided SDK examples for different programming languages like Python and .NET. You can utilize these SDKs to integrate Aspose Cloud APIs in your applications across any platform. Following is a list of features added in SDKs for different programming languages during the month of January 2013.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 1 min

Aspose Cloud REST API Documentation Changes Introduced During The Month Of January 2013

Aspose Cloud APIs are designed to meet the user’s requirement by providing a number of features to incorporate in the applications. You can upload your files on Aspose Cloud storage and use Aspose Cloud REST API URIs to perform multiple operations on these files. Aspose Cloud storage is available with every package to upload your files and process your documents using Aspose Cloud REST APIs. During the month of January 2013, we have added some features in Aspose Cloud storage that you can use to work with your documents.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 1 min

Aspose Cloud REST API Features Implemented in SDKs During the Month of December 2012

Aspose Cloud offers a complete set of solution for your document processing requirements. It provides the platform to create, edit and manipulate your documents in the cloud. Aspose Cloud APIs provide flexible and cost effective solutions to small or medium business enterprises. We have provided SDK examples for different programming languages like .NET, Java, Python and Ruby. You can utilize these SDKs to integrate Aspose Cloud APIs in your applications across any platform.
· Fatima Rabbiya · 2 min