
Spotlight on Aspose.Cells and News from Aspose, May 2015

a { color: #21649f; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; border: none; outline: none; } a:hover { color: #21649f; text-decoration: underline; } Share this issue: [![Facebook][1] [![Twitter][2] [![YouTube][3] [![Google+][4] [![Aspose | Your File Format Experts][5] Monthly Newsletter May, 2015 Desire More Advanced Options for Working with Spreadsheets in Your Applications? Aspose.Cells for .NET and Java are robust APIs that give you a wide range of options for working with spreadsheet files in your applications.
· Chrons · 5 min

Aspose.Cells の紹介とその他のニュース (2015年 5月)

a { color: #21649f; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; border: none; outline: none; } a:hover { color: #21649f; text-decoration: underline; } SNS で共有: 今月の最新ニュース 2015年 5月 アプリケーションでスプレッドシートを操作できる高度な機能をお探しですか? Aspose.Cells for .NET / Java は、アプリケーション内でスプレッドシート ファイルを操作するさまざまな機能が提供されるロバストな API です。スプレッドシート ファイルの操作は Aspose API にお任せください。 今すぐ体験版をダウンロード[![Download a Free Trial][1] 製品ニュース Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.4.1 で SQL データベース接続設定の変更やセル コメントの印刷が可能に Aspose.Cells は、Microsoft Excel アプリケーションのデータベース接続設定を読み込むだけでなく、それらを操作することも可能です。また、新バージョンの Aspose.Cells では、Microsoft Excel と同じようにセル コメントを印刷する機能も提供されます。詳細はこちら。 Aspose.PDF 10.3.0 で PDF から PPTX への変換機能が追加 Aspose.PDF for .
· Chrons · 2 min

More APIs to work with emails in the cloud are now available in Aspose Cloud SDK for Android

Aspose.Email Cloud Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for creating email archiving applications that work with common email file formats. It lets developers manipulate message formats such as MSG, EML, and MHT files. The API supports many common tasks, for example accessing messages, reading message properties such as sender, receiver, message sent date, and message details. It also supports converting messages back and forth between EML, MSG and MHT formats. With Aspose.
· Muhammad Sohail · 2 min

Work with Calendars and Extended Attributes in Microsoft Project® and Email Messages, Attachments using Aspose Cloud SDK for Python

Aspose.Tasks Cloud Aspose.Tasks Cloud is a project management API that enables developers to provide Microsoft Project® document manipulation capability in their applications – all without using Microsoft Project®. With this powerful cloud API, developers can control various stages of project management. API provides full control over a project’s tasks, task links, resources, resource assignments and extended attribute data. Tasks and resources can be added to a project and resources can be assigned to or remove from tasks.
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min

Work with image properties and frames using Aspose.Imaging APIs of Aspose Cloud SDK for Android

Aspose.Imaging Cloud Aspose.Imaging Cloud lets you use a REST API to inspect, convert, and transform images in the cloud. It supports the most popular image formats such as PSD, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and JPEG, and conversion between them. Aspose.Imaging Cloud also provides a rich set of features for manipulating images on-the-fly with cloud based image transformations. You can resize, crop and/or rotate images various ways by simply creating a request that includes the correct transformation instructions.
· Muhammad Sohail · 3 min

More features to work with file formats are now available in Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP

Aspose Cloud Aspose Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Before Aspose Cloud, performing document processing and manipulation tasks in the cloud was not so easy. The Aspose Cloud APIs give developers full control over documents and file formats. Each API has been developed to offer you a wide range of features for file processing in the cloud. Aspose Cloud’s REST APIs are platform independent and can be used across any platform such as Node.
· Masood Anwer · 3 min

Unit tests added for ocr module of Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby

Ruby Unit Testing Unit testing is a great way to catch errors early in the development process, if you dedicate time to writing appropriate and useful tests. As in other languages, Ruby provides a framework in its standard library for setting up, organizing, and running tests called Test::Unit. There are other very popular testing frameworks, rspec and cucumber come to mind. Specifically, Test::Unit provides three basic functionality: A way to define basic pass/fail tests.
· Masood Anwer · 2 min

New release of Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby introduces new features to work with Presentation, Microsoft Project and Email documents

Aspose Cloud Aspose Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Before Aspose Cloud, performing document processing and manipulation tasks in the cloud was not so easy. The Aspose Cloud APIs give developers full control over documents and file formats. Each API has been developed to offer you a wide range of features for file processing in the cloud. Aspose Cloud’s REST APIs are platform independent and can be used across any platform such as Node.
· Masood Anwer · 2 min

Work with Email Messages, Attachments and Extract Text from Images using Aspose Cloud SDK for NodeJS

Aspose.Email Cloud Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for creating email archiving applications that work with common email file formats. It lets developers manipulate message formats such as MSG, EML, and MHT files. The API supports many common tasks, for example accessing messages, reading message properties such as sender, receiver, message sent date, and message details. It also supports converting messages back and forth between EML, MSG and MHT formats. With Aspose.
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min

Work with Calendars and Extended Attributes in Microsoft Project® Files using Aspose Cloud SDK for NodeJS

Aspose.Tasks Cloud Aspose.Tasks Cloud is a project management API that enables developers to provide Microsoft Project® document manipulation capability in their applications – all without using Microsoft Project®. With this powerful cloud API, developers can control various stages of project management. API provides full control over a project’s tasks, task links, resources, resource assignments and extended attribute data. Tasks and resources can be added to a project and resources can be assigned to or remove from tasks.
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min