Split word documents

Split Word document in half using Java Cloud SDK

In the realm of document management, the ability to precisely divide and extract content from Word documents is a necessity. Long documents can be overwhelming and challenging to work with, often requiring specific sections to be isolated or extracted. This is where the importance of a robust and efficient method to split Word documents comes into play. In this guide, we will delve into the the details of Java REST API that offers a powerful solution, allowing you to programmatically split Word documents.

What’s cover in this blog !

Why to Split Word documents?

The need to split Word documents arises from various practical scenarios that demand efficient document management and manipulation.

  • Enhanced Manageability: Lengthy documents can become unwieldy, but when we split them into smaller more manageable parts, you enhance the ease of handling and organizing the content.
  • Selective Processing: By splitting the document, you can extract and process only the relevant parts, streamlining your workflow and saving time.
  • Ease of Distribution: Smaller, divided documents are easier to share via email or other communication platforms.
  • Batch Processing: Splitting large documents into smaller ones facilitates batch processing, which can be advantageous for automated document processing.

Split DOC using Java REST API

Splitting Word documents using Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Java is a seamless and efficient process that empowers developers to divide a document based on specified criteria. Aspose.Words Cloud provides powerful APIs for working with Word documents in the cloud, offering a multitude of features, including the ability to split documents.

With this REST API, you can work with plethora of Word document formats including DOCX, DOC, DOTX, DOT, RTF, ODT, OTTetc.

Divide Word Document in Java

The following steps define the procedure to split MS Word documents in Java application.

  • First of all, create an object of WordsApi class.
  • Secondly, create an instance of ApiClient object while passing Client Secret and Client ID details.
  • Penultimate, create an instance of SplitDocumentRequest class which takes input input Word file name, resultant output format, to and from pages. (If you do not provide the To and From page details, all the pages of the document will be split into individual page document) as arguments.
  • Lastly, create an instance of SplitDocumentResponse by calling splitDocument(…) method to complete the operation.

In case you need to generate the output in PDF or other supported formats, simply provide the desired file format information against format argument and the API will generate the output accordingly.

cURL command to Split documents

Splitting Word documents using cURL commands in conjunction with Aspose.Words Cloud allows for a straightforward and command-line-based approach to document manipulation. cURL is a powerful tool for making HTTP requests, and when combined with the capabilities of Aspose.Words Cloud API, it offers an efficient way to split Word documents without the need for a complex programming setup.

The first step in this approach is to generate a JWT access token while using Client credential details. Please visit the following article for details on how to obtain JSON web token authentication.

Once JWT token has been obtained, use following cURL command to extract pages from Word document and save them individually.

curl -v "https://api.aspose.cloud/v4.0/words/Sample.docx/split?format=docx&zipOutput=false" \
-X PUT \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>"


In conclusion, splitting Word documents is an essential aspect of efficient document management, enabling enhanced control, better organization, and targeted usage of content. Aspose.Words Cloud offers two powerful approaches to achieve this - using its feature-rich Java SDK or through cURL commands. Both options empower you to efficiently split Word documents based on your specific needs, whether it’s for improved manageability, selective processing, focused collaboration, or compliance with legal and organizational requirements.

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