word to html

Convert Word to HTML using .NET REST API.

We understand that the online accessibility and seamless content presentation are of paramount importance. Therefore, the need to effortlessly convert the Word documents to HTML format has never been more pressing. Imagine the frustration of trying to share your meticulously crafted Word documents online, only to encounter formatting issues, distorted layouts, and compatibility hiccups when viewed in web browsers. This is where the transformation from Word to HTML steps in as a game-changer, offering a solution that elegantly resolves these problems.

This article delves into the imperative need for ‘Word Document to HTML’ conversions using .NET REST API. It also sheds light on how this transformation harmonizes with the digital realm to create a cohesive and visually pleasing online experience for your documents.

REST API for Word Document to HTML Conversion

Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for .NET is a versatile SDK offering a transformative solution that effortlessly bridges the gap between MS Word and web content. By integrating the Cloud SDK into your .NET applications, you unlock the ability to perform ‘Word document to HTML’ conversions with remarkable ease, ensuring that your documents are web-ready without the intricacies of manual formatting adjustments.

The first step in SDK utilization is to add its reference to .NET solution. Therefore, search Aspose.Words-Cloud in NuGet packages manager and click the Add Package button. Furthermore, please visit cloud dashboard and obtain your personalized client credentials.

Word Document to HTML Conversion with C# .NET

This section provides details about converting MS Word document to HTML so that we can view Word document online. In short, follow these steps to view Microsoft Word documents online.

word to html

Preview of Word to HTML conversion with .NET REST API.

Now, let’s explore some details of above stated code snippet.

// create configuration object using ClinetID and Client Secret details
var config = new Configuration { ClientId = clientID, ClientSecret = clientSecret };
// initialize WordsApi instance
WordsApi wordsApi = new WordsApi(config);

Firstly, create an instance of WordsApi class where we pass the client credentials as arguments.

using var requestDocument = File.OpenRead("file-sample.docx");

Load the input Word document from local drive into stream instance.

var response = new ConvertDocumentRequest(requestDocument, format: "HTML", outPath: "resultantFile.html");

Create document conversion request while providing input Word file, output format as HTML and the name of resultant HTML file.


Call the API to convert Word to HTML so that word file can be displayed online.

Convert Word to HTML using cURL Commands

Elevate your document sharing experience by seamlessly converting Word documents to HTML using the dynamic synergy of Aspose.Words Cloud and cURL commands. This powerful collaboration empowers you to effortlessly perform ‘Word DOC to HTML’ conversion by crafting a cURL command to interact with the Aspose.Words Cloud API.

The first step in this approach is to generate a JWT access token by executing the following command:

curl -v "https://api.aspose.cloud/connect/token" \
 -X POST \
 -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=bb959721-5780-4be6-be35-ff5c3a6aa4a2&client_secret=4d84d5f6584160cbd91dba1fe145db14" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
 -H "Accept: application/json"

Now, please execute the following command to load the Word document stored in Cloud storage and transform it to HTML format, so that we can display MS Word document online.

curl -v "https://api.aspose.cloud/v4.0/words/{sourceFile}?format=html" \
-X GET \
-H  "accept: application/octet-stream" \
-H  "Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>" \
-o "{resultantFile}"

Replace sourceFile with the name of input Word document available in cloud storage, resultantFile with the name of resultant HTML to be stored on local drive, and accessToken with JWT access token generated above.


In conclusion, the conversion of Word documents to HTML format serves as an essential bridge between the structured world of documents and the dynamic online realm. With two distinct yet powerful approaches at your disposal—Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for .NET and the utilization of cURL commands, you have the flexibility to choose the method that aligns with your technical expertise and preferences.

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