We are pleased to announce the new monthly release of Aspose.HTML Cloud 18.6. While using the RESTful API endpoints, develop HTML to PDF conversion application. Load HTML from local drive and convert HTML to JPG or HTMl to PNG, HTML to TIFF, HTML to BMP, and HTML to GIF format. Another exciting option is that for the conversion purposes, you may either load an HTML, XHTML, MHTML, EPUB, Markdown from cloud storage or provide the URL of a web page. Once we have converted HTML file to PDF format, save the resultant output to specified Cloud storage folder. For a detailed description about what’s new and what’s fixed, please visit the release notes section of Aspose.HTML Cloud Documentation.
New Features and Enhancements
All URIs are related to https://api.aspose.cloud/v1.1/html
- GET /html/{name}/convert/image/{outFormat}
This API call expects the HTML document to be available in cloud storage and during the conversion operation, tries to load it from the Cloud storage. We also specify the output file name and the resultant image is uploaded to cloud storage. Please check HTML to Image (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF) Conversion article for more details. You may also check GetConvertDocumentToImage API call details on swagger UI
- PUT /html/convert/image/{outFormat}
Load source HTML from local drive/folder and convert HTML to JPG, PNG, GIF or other supported formats. After successful conversion, the output is also stored in cloud storage. Please check PutConvertDocumentToImage API call for more details/required set of parameters.
- GET /html/{name}/convert/pdf
Load input file from cloud storage and save HTML to PDF. The resultant PDF is returned as response stream. Please check HTML to PDF Conversion article for more details.
- PUT /html/{name}/convert/pdf
Convert HTML to PDF where input HTML is provided in request header (load from local drive/folder). After the conversion, the resultant PDF is saved in cloud storage. You may consider visiting PutConvertDocumentToPdf API reference to complete details on required parameters/arguments.
- GET /html/{name}/convert/xps
The API also supports the feature to convert HTML to XPS. Use this API call to load input HTML from cloud storage and perform the conversion. The resultant XPS is returned as response stream. For more details, please visit HTML to XPS Conversion.
- PUT /html/{name}/convert/xps
Load the HTML from local storage and save HTML to XPS. Specify the name of resultant XPS and storage details to save the output in cloud storage. Please take a look over PutConvertDocumentToXps API reference for details on required parameters.
API documentation Refinement
Descriptions of API methods and parameters in the API Reference page have been clarified.
Aspose Cloud Resources
You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API:
Product Overview – An overview of Aspose.HTML Cloud APIs
Product Documentation – Detailed API documentation with code examples and details about API functional areas
Cloud SDKs – An SDK takes care of a lot of low-level details of making requests and handling responses and lets you focus on writing code specific to your particular project
Aspose.HTML Forum – Our free online support forum where we address your queries and inquiries
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