
Recognize Text in Photos on Android device

There are a few apps on Google Play store that can recognize text in photos. You might want to do the same in your own application. Aspose.OCR Cloud is your friend here. I have written an article to help you use Aspose.OCR Cloud in your Android application. Read the full article here and share your valuable feedback.
· Saqib Masood · 1 min

Aspose Document Converter for Ruby

[![Aspose Cloud APIs][1] yet the API is bundled with dozens of features. See the [documentation][2] for everything you can do. Today, I am sharing a Ruby web application that uses Aspose Cloud to convert Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF document to many other file formats. Clone the [Github repository][3] and run the project on your computer. The application is already configured to run on [Heroku][4]. Just give it a try.
· Saqib Masood · 1 min

Convert Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF Documents to Other Formats in a Ruby Web Application

[![Aspose Cloud APIs][1] make the integration process much easier. Document conversion has never been easier in a ruby application. It is just a matter of few lines now. I have written an article explaining the steps to creating a complete working web application that can convert Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents to a bunch of supported file formats in a Ruby web application. Source code can be downloaded from [github][2].
· Saqib Masood · 1 min

Apply or Amend Protection on Word Processing Documents using Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP

Aspose.Words Cloud Aspose.Words Cloud’s platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. With Aspose.Words Cloud you can modify and convert documents on the cloud. It supports DOC, DOCX, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB and many other formats.
· Masood Anwer · 2 min

Work with Emails, Documents, Spreadsheets, PDFs and Barcodes in Salesforce using Aspose Cloud

Aspose Cloud Aspose Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Before Aspose Cloud document processing and manipulation tasks in the cloud were not so easy. The Aspose Cloud APIs give developers full control over documents and file formats. Each API has been developed to offer a wide range of features for file processing in cloud. The Aspose Cloud REST APIs are platform independent and can be used across any platform such as Node.
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min

Work with Microsoft Project Documents in the Cloud

Well known for their Microsoft Project document manipulation functionality, Aspose.Tasks for .NET and Java have been in the field for quite a long time already. Today, we have a good news for application developers who work with .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, JavaScript, JQuery, Android, Objective C, Perl, C++, Node.Js, Salesforce or any other language or platform that supports REST and need to manipulate such documents in the Cloud.
· Kashif Iqbal · 2 min

Work with Email Messages and Attachments in Node.js using Aspose Cloud

Introduction to NodeJS [![Node.js Logo][1]. Aspose Cloud Aspose Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Before Aspose Cloud APIs document processing and manipulation tasks were not so easy. Aspose Cloud APIs give developers full control over documents and file formats. Each API has been developed to offer you a wide range of features for file processing in cloud. Aspose Cloud REST APIs are platform independent and can be used across any platform such as Node.
· Assad Mahmood · 3 min

Spotlight on Aspose.Imaging, New Products and a New Cloud SDK, June, 2014

Share this issue: Monthly Newsletter June, 2014 Working with Images? With Aspose.Imaging for Java it is easy to add image conversion, drawing and editing features to Java applications. Among others, the APIs support PSD, DXF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG and custom file formats. Stop struggling with image file formats and let our APIs make your work easier. News New Aspose Cloud Pricing Plans Launch 1st June In the past 12 months we’ve been working hard to improve the capabilities of Aspose Cloud.
· Caroline Von Schmalensee · 5 min

Aspose.Imaging に注目、近日リリース予定、最新 Cloud SDK 情報 (2014年 6月)

共有: 今月の最新情報 2014年 6月 画像を操作? Aspose.Imaging for Java により、画像の変換、描画、編集機能を Java アプリケーションに簡単に実装できます。さらに本製品の API では PSD、DXF、TIFF、JPEG、PNG およびカスタム ファイル形式をサポートします。 画像ファイル形式でお悩みの方は、本製品の API を是非ご利用ください。 最新ニュース Aspose Cloud 価格体系が 2014年 6月 1日から変更 これまでの 12か月間、Aspose では Aspose Cloud の機能向上に努めてきました。これらの期間は、インフラをオートスケールし、フォールト トレラントな環境により使用頻度の高い API のレスポンス タイムを向上させることにハイライトしてきました。今後も、より多くのファイル形式のサポート (OneNote、Microsoft Project および CAD イメージ ファイルは予定中) や変換精度の向上、その他のドキュメント編集機能の追加などを計画しています。 継続的なサービス向上の一環として、一般的なプランに適したシンプルな価格体系に変更する予定です。新しい価格体系に変更するにあたり、Aspose ではお客様からのフィードバックや実社会での利用方法などを十分に考慮するようにしています。 既にサービスをご利用の既存のお客様には今回の価格体系の変更は影響しません。サービスのアップグレードの際に、新しいプランをご選択いただくことになります (ただし価格体系変更から 60日以内にアップグレードされる場合は、既存のプランをご選択いただけます)。 無償プランで Aspose Cloud を評価、テストされているお客様が既存のプランを希望される場合は、30日以内であれば可能です (本日以前の Aspose Cloud アカウントが存在する必要があります) のでセールス チームにご連絡ください。 Aspose の Web サイトで新しい価格体系をご確認ください。 製品ニュース 新製品:Aspose.Diagram for Java Aspose.Diagram for .NET により開発者は手間を掛けることなく Microsoft Visio の機能を .
· Caroline Von Schmalensee · 2 min

Use Laravel Package for Aspose Cloud to Process Word Processing Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations and Email Messages

Introduction to Laravel [![][1]. Aspose Cloud Aspose Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Before Aspose Cloud APIs document processing and manipulation tasks were not so easy. Aspose Cloud APIs give developers full control over documents and file formats. Each API has been developed to offer you a wide range of features for file processing in cloud. Aspose Cloud REST APIs are platform independent and can be utilized across any platform such as Node.
· Masood Anwer · 2 min