GLB to FBX in Java

How to convert GLB to FBX using Java REST API

GLB, a binary version of the glTF (GL Transmission Format), is efficient for transmitting 3D models in applications. It is often used in web-based environments due to its compact size and fast loading times. On the other hand, FBX (Filmbox) is a versatile format that supports high-quality 3D models with textures, animations, and lighting. It’s commonly used in software like Autodesk Maya and Unity for gaming and film production. Therefore, by converting GLB to FBX is essential for workflows that require high-level 3D design capabilities and compatibility with professional-grade tools, enabling designers and developers to work seamlessly across different platforms.

3D Files Processing API

Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java provides a powerful and flexible platform for converting GLB to FBX, making 3D file manipulation seamless and efficient. With its support for multiple file formats, including GLB, FBX, OBJ, and others, Aspose.3D Cloud SDK simplifies the conversion process while maintaining the quality of textures, animations, and lighting.

Installation and Configuration

The latest version of the Java REST API is available for download under the release section. Or, you can directly add the reference of API in your Java application through Maven repository.


After the installation, you need to obtain your client credentials from cloud dashboard. In case you do not have an existing account, simply create a free account by following the instructions specified in the quick start article.

Convert GLB to FBX in Java

In this section, we are going to explore the details on how we can use the API in Java application to transform complex 3D models without needing to install any third-party software.

ThreeDCloudApi threeDCloudApi  = new ThreeDCloudApi("client_credentials", clientID, clientSecret);

create an instance of ThreeDCloudApi by passing the Client ID and Client Secret details as arguments.

var response = threeDCloudApi.postConvertByFormat(name, "fbx", "myResultant.fbx", folder, true, storage);

Call the PostConvertByFormat API to perform the GLB to FBX format.

The sample GLB file used in the above example can be downloaded from Wolf-Blender-2.82a.glb.

  • The Cloud SDK supports the following FBX file codes. fbx7200ascii, fbx7200binary, fbx7300ascii, fbx7300binary, fbx7400ascii, fbx7400binary, fbx7500ascii, fbx7500binary

GLB to FBX Online using cURL Commands

To convert GLB to FBX using Aspose.3D Cloud and cURL commands, you can leverage the powerful features of Aspose.3D’s cloud-based REST API. The process is simple and does not require any local installations. We can send HTTP requests using cURL to perform the conversion directly in the cloud, making it efficient and scalable.

The first step in this approach is to generate a JWT access token based on Client ID and Client Secret details.

curl -v "" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-bff4-f5a14a4b6466&client_secret=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Accept: application/json"

Now, we need to execute the following cURL command, which calls PostConvertByFormat API to perform the GLB to FBX conversion.

curl -v "{sourceFile}&newformat=fbx7200binary&newfilename={resultantFile}&IsOverwrite=false&storage=internal" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"

Replace sourceFile with the name of input GLB file, resultantFile with the name of resultant FBX file and accessToken with JWT token generated above.

Binary glTF to Autodesk FBX Converter App

Explore the amazing capabilities of Java REST API by using our lightweight and efficient GLTF to FBX Conversion App. This App is built on top of Aspose.3D Cloud APIs and can be tested online without any installation requirements.

GLB to FBX app

Binary glTF to Autodesk FBX conversion preview


In conclusion, converting GLB to FBX using Aspose.3D Cloud provides a seamless and efficient solution for handling complex 3D model transformations. Whether you’re utilizing the .NET SDK or the cURL command interface, Aspose.3D Cloud enables users to perform high-quality conversions with ease. The API is designed for flexibility, ensuring that your 3D models retain important textures, animations, and details during the conversion process.

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