process Word Documents or Format Paragraphs using Aspose.Words Cloud 18.9
We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Words Cloud 18.9. Its a fully reworked version of Java SDK for Aspose.Words Cloud. In this release, we have introduced two new APIs that allow you to update paragraph format properties. Please take a look over Aspose.Words Cloud 18.9 Release Notes for complete details about changes made in the APIs.
New Features and Enhancements
1. Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Java
It’s a wrapper around Aspose.Words Cloud API enabling you to process documents in Java 1.7+ quickly and easily. Furthermore, you also gain all the benefits of strong types and IDE highlights. The distribution is available at Maven and source code at GitHub. New SDK is fully supported and has the following advantages over the previous versions:
- Cloud SDK is fully in sync with the Cloud API (all missing methods are added)
- Classes, methods, and properties have IDE friendly comments
- Better security capabilities
- Usage of Request/Response classes to represent long lists of parameters. This allows for cleaner code and easier backward-compatibility going forward
- SDK is not backward compatible with the previous generation because of the last item. It should be straightforward to convert program code to use Request/Response objects.
In case you encounter any issues and need help on migration, please feel free to contact us via Free Support Forums.
2. Added new SaveOptions
Earlier these options were only available in Aspose.Words (on premises), but now they are available in Aspose.Words Cloud too:
- HtmlFixedSaveOptions.SaveFontFaceCssSeparately
- MtmlSaveOption.ExportCidUrlsForMhtmlResources
3. Added “paragraph format” APIs
It provides access to the paragraph formatting properties:
- Represents all the formatting for a paragraph
- Updates paragraph format properties and returns updated format properties
Aspose Cloud Resources
You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API.
Product Overview – An overview of Aspose.Words Cloud APIs
Product Documentation – Detailed API documentation with code examples and details about API functional areas
Cloud SDKs – Cloud SDKs takes care of a lot of low code details of making requests and handling responses. It lets you focus on writing code specific to your particular project
API Reference Guide – Quickly browse through all Aspose.Words Cloud APIs and test them in the browser
Aspose.Words Forum – Free Support Forum where we address your queries