Aspose Android Studio You can add AsposeCloudSDK to your Android Studio project as an external Aspose Cloud Maven dependency or as an external library via Gradle files.

1. Aspose Cloud Maven DependencyYou can add AsposeCloudSDK to your Android Studio project by adding following lines of code in your app/build.gradle file. (Please note that these modifications go in the build.gradle file in your module’s directory, not the build file in the project root directory). First, set up the repository where it can find the dependency.

repositories {
    maven {    url ''    }
```and then add the dependency itself by adding this line to your dependencies block:

dependencies { … compile ‘com.aspose:aspose-cloud-android:1.0.0’ }

## 2\. Adding the library via Gradle filesAs an alternative approach, following is the complete process  of adding AsposeCloudSDK as an external library to your project. 1. Create new project via Android Studio creator and name it HelloWorld 2. Here is the original project structure created by Android Studio:

HelloWorld/ app/ - build.gradle // local gradle config (for app only) … - build.gradle // global gradle config (for whole project) - settings.gradle - …

HelloWorld/ app/ - build.gradle // local gradle config (for app only) … libs/ asposecloudsdk/ - build.gradle // local gradle config (for library only) - build.gradle // global gradle config (for whole project) - settings.gradle - …

include ‘:app’, ‘:asposecloudsdk’ project(’:asposecloudsdk’).projectDir = new File(’libs/asposecloudsdk’)

dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: ’libs’, include: [’*.jar’]) compile ‘’ compile project(":asposecloudsdk") }

## Error:duplicate files during packaging of APKIn case you face this error, just add the following lines of code in your **app/build.gradle** file under android block.

packagingOptions { exclude ‘META-INF/LICENSE.txt’ exclude ‘META-INF/NOTICE.txt’ exclude ‘META-INF/DEPENDENCIES’ exclude ‘META-INF/LICENSE’ exclude ‘META-INF/NOTICE’ }

## Working with Aspose APIs

1.  Sign up with Aspose Cloud service at: [](
2.  Create a new App and get your App SID and App Key.
3.  Call the AsposeApp.setAppKeyAndAppSID(String appKey, String appSID) method in the onCreate() method of your Main Activity and pass your App SID and App Key as arguments to this method.

Now you are ready to work with Aspose REST APIs.

## Start a Free Trial TodayStart a free trial today – all you need is to [sign up][1] with the Aspose Cloud service. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try the powerful file processing features offered by Aspose Cloud.
