
Convert, Split and Process Spreadsheets using latest release of Aspose Cloud SDK for NodeJS

Aspose.Cells Cloud Aspose.Cells Cloud’s platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Cells Cloud allows you to modify, manage and convert spreadsheets on the cloud. Learn More What’s New We’ve implemented the following functions to the Aspose Cloud SDK for Node.
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min

Work with Presentations stored on third party storage using Aspose Cloud SDK for iOS

Aspose.Slides Cloud Aspose.Slides Cloud is a REST API which allows you to process presentations. It allows you to create, modify, and convert presentations and provides a wide variety of features for working with presentations in the cloud. You can convert a presentation to TIFF, PDF, XPS, PPTX, ODP, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM, POTX, POTM, HTML and image formats. Aspose.Slides Cloud allows you to extract different elements or a presentation including slide, text, color schemes, font schemes, shapes and images etc.
· Muhammad Sohail · 3 min

Split, Append, Convert and Process documents using Aspose Cloud SDK for Node.JS

Aspose.Words Cloud Aspose.Words Cloud’s platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. With Aspose.Words Cloud you can modify and convert documents on the cloud. It supports DOC, DOCX, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB and many other formats.
· Assad Mahmood · 3 min

New release of WordPress Export Posts to Microsoft Document using Aspose.Words

[![][1]WordPress is a free open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL, which runs on a web hosting service. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system. WordPress is used by more than 22.0% of the top 10 million websites as of August 2013. WordPress is the most popular blogging system in use on the [Web][2], at more than 60 million websites. It’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today.
· Fahad Adeel · 2 min

Work with Text, Images, Bookmarks, Annotations, Links and Watermarks in a pdf document using Aspose Cloud SDK for Node.JS

Aspose.PDF Cloud Aspose.PDF Cloud’s platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. You can read, write, convert and manipulate PDF documents like adding images, text, bookmarks, etc., on the cloud. Learn More New PDF Features in the Aspose Cloud SDK for NodeJS We have implemented the following functions in the latest release
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min

Work with Mail Merge, Drawing Objects, Watermark and Page Setup in word documents using Aspose Cloud SDK for iOS

Aspose.Words Cloud Aspose.Words Cloud, a cloud-based document creation, manipulation and conversion API, helps you process documents with its many flexible features. You can perform a wide variety of document operations with Aspose.Words Cloud’s REST API. Create a new document from scratch, modify an existing document, convert documents to different formats, and render the document to images. Aspose.Words Cloud allows you to convert documents to DOC, DOCX, XPS, TIFF, PDF, HTML, SWF, and many other formats.
· Muhammad Sohail · 4 min

Aspose.PDF の紹介とその他のニュース (2015年 6月)

SNS で共有: 今月の最新ニュース 2015年 6月 高度な PDF 操作とエクスポート機能をアプリケーションに実装できますか? Aspose.PDF for .NET および Java は、ネイティブ API として提供され、Adobe PDF やその他の XPS や LaTax などのファイルをアプリケーション内で操作できる一連のオプションが利用できます。PDF の生成処理に頭を悩ませているのなら、Aspose API にお任せください。 今すぐ体験版をダウンロード[![.NET 版をダウンロード][1] 製品ニュース 刷新された Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Java で、Java アプリに Aspose.Words Cloud の API を容易に統合 Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Java に大きな変更が加えられたメジャー リリースです。すべての Aspose.Words Cloud API がサポートされます。この SDK では、強力な Aspose.Words Cloud API を Java で容易に統合できますので、最小限の労力でクラウド上でさまざまなドキュメント操作が可能になります。詳細なコード サンプルを今すぐご確認ください。Maven のスタートガイドやセットアップ手順はこちら。 Aspose.Cells for Java 8.4.2 で、VBA モジュールのサポートとグラフ生成機能が強化 今回のリリースにより、Aspose.Cells for Java に VBA モジュールを Excel ワークブックに追加する機能がサポートされました。動的な VBA コードをランタイムで追加できるので、アプリケーション内での Excel ファイル処理の可能性が広がります。リリースの詳細はこちら。
· Billy Lundie · 2 min

Create, convert, split and merge presentations using Aspose Cloud SDK for NodeJS

Aspose.Slides Cloud Aspose.Slides Cloud’s platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Slides Cloud is a unique PowerPoint® management API that enables you to read, write, convert and manipulate PowerPoint documents on the cloud. Learn More New Presentations Features in the Aspose Cloud SDK for NodeJS We have implemented the following functions in the latest release
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min

Work with OLE Objects in Spreadsheets using Aspose Cloud SDK for iOS

Aspose.Cells Cloud Aspose.Cells Cloud is a REST API that helps you create, manipulate and convert spreadsheets in the cloud. It allows you to work with all aspects of spreadsheets: worksheets, rows, columns, cells, text, data, images, links, comments, formulas, charts, and many more. Use Aspose.Cells Cloud to create spreadsheets from scratch, manipulate spreadsheets, and convert spreadsheets to other formats. Render a spreadsheet to image formats such as JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF and TIFF, or render charts and other objects to images.
· Muhammad Sohail · 2 min

More features to work with Barcodes using the Aspose Cloud SDK for NodeJS

Aspose.Barcode Cloud Aspose.BarCode for Cloud’s platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.BarCode for Cloud allows developers to quickly and easily add barcode generation and recognition functionality to their applications. Learn More New Barcode Features in the Aspose Cloud SDK for NodeJS We have implemented the following functions in the latest release
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min