
New Release of Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for PHP – For MS Word and ApacheOO Writer document Creation, Manipulation and Conversion

Aspose.Words Cloud Aspose.Words Cloud is a complete solution for performing any operation you can wish to perform on the Microsoft Word or Apache OpenOffice Writer documents in the cloud. Aspose.Words Cloud, helps you process documents with its many flexible features. You can perform a wide variety of document operations with Aspose.Words Cloud’s REST API. Create a new document from scratch, modify an existing document, convert documents to different formats, and render the document to images.
· Imran Anwar · 2 min

New Release of Aspose.OCR Cloud SDK for Java – A Cloud SDK to Extract OCR or HOCR Text from Images in Java Using Powerful Aspose.OCR Cloud APIs

Aspose.OCR CloudAspose.OCR Cloud’s platform independent character recognition API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.OCR Cloud is a cloud-based REST API for optical character recognition and document scanning. It allows you to scan documents and recognize characters. Recognize text in English and other languages, and recognize text in only part of an image.
· Farooq Sheikh · 3 min

Spotlight on Aspose.Total and News from Aspose, August 2015

a { color: #21649f; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; border: none; outline: none; } a:hover { color: #21649f; text-decoration: underline; } Share this issue: Monthly Newsletter August, 2015 Working with Multiple File Types in Your Applications? Aspose.Total for .NET and Java are robust API suites that give you a wide range of options for working with many files types in your applications. Stop struggling with multiple libraries and get everything you need in one place with Aspose.
· Chrons · 4 min

New Release of Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for Java – A Cloud SDK to work with image conversion, manipulation, properties and TIFF frames in Java Using Powerful Aspose.Imaging Cloud APIs

Aspose.Imaging Cloud Aspose.Imaging Cloud’s platform independent image manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Imaging Cloud lets you use a REST API to inspect, convert, and transform images in the cloud. It supports the most popular image formats such as PSD, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and JPEG, and conversion between them.
· Farooq Sheikh · 3 min

Aspose.Total の紹介とその他のニュース (2015年 7月)

a { color: #21649f; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; border: none; outline: none; } a:hover { color: #21649f; text-decoration: underline; } SNS で共有: 今月の最新ニュース 2015年 8月 さまざまなファイル形式をアプリケーション内で操作するには? Aspose.Total for .NET および Java は、アプリケーション内でさまざまな形式のファイルを操作するための幅広いオプションが提供される強力な API スイート製品です。複数の異なるライブラリ製品で頭を悩まさずに、Aspose.Total 一つで必要なすべての機能を手に入れましょう。 今すぐ無償体験版をダウンロード[![.NET 体験版のダウンロード][1] 製品ニュース Aspose.Cells Cloud を使用して、スプレッドシート内のピボット テーブルを操作 Aspose.Cells Cloud は、ほとんどすべてのプラットフォーム上のアプリケーションから、クラウド内のスプレッドシートの生成、操作、変換を可能にする REST API です。ピボット テーブルを操作できる多くの新機能が追加されました。詳細はこちら。 Public Chart API と脚注用の Custom Mark API が Aspose.Words for .NET および Java のビルド 15.6.0 に追加 Public Charts と Custom Mark in Footnotes API に加え、今回の Aspose.
· Chrons · 2 min

Work with Pivot Tables in Spreadsheets using Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby

Aspose.Cells Cloud Aspose.Cells Cloud is a REST API that helps you create, manipulate and convert Microsoft Excel and OpenOfficeCalc spreadsheets in the cloud. It allows you to work with all aspects of spreadsheets: worksheets, rows, columns, cells, text, data, images, links, comments, formulas, charts, and many more. Use Aspose.Cells Cloud to create spreadsheets from scratch, manipulate spreadsheets, and convert spreadsheets to other formats. Render a spreadsheet to image formats such as JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF and TIFF, or render charts and other objects to images.
· Muhammad Sohail · 3 min

New Release of Aspose.Email Cloud SDK for Java – A Cloud SDK to work with emails in Java Using Powerful Aspose.Email Cloud APIs

Aspose.Email Cloud Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for manipulating email in the cloud. It is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Email Cloud allows developers to provide capabilities of processing email messages in their applications. Aspose.Email Cloud is a complete solution that allows you to create email archiving applications that work with common email file formats.
· Farooq Sheikh · 3 min

New Release of Aspose.Tasks Cloud SDK for Java – A Complete Solution For Integrating Microsoft Project Document in Java Using Powerful Aspose.Tasks Cloud APIs

Aspose.Tasks Cloud Aspose.Tasks Cloud is a REST API for manipulating Microsoft Project documents in the cloud. It is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Tasks Cloud allows developers to manipulate project data including Tasks, Resources, Task links, and Assignments. Aspose.Tasks Cloud is a complete solution that allows you to work with all aspects of a Project document including conversion and manipulation of project’s tasks, task links, resources, resource assignments and extended attribute data.
· Farooq Sheikh · 3 min

Work with Pivot Tables in Spreadsheets using Aspose Cloud SDK for Android

Aspose.Cells Cloud Aspose.Cells Cloud is a REST API that helps you create, manipulate and convert spreadsheets in the cloud. It allows you to work with all aspects of spreadsheets: worksheets, rows, columns, cells, text, data, images, links, comments, formulas, charts, and many more. Use Aspose.Cells Cloud to create spreadsheets from scratch, manipulate spreadsheets, and convert spreadsheets to other formats. Render a spreadsheet to image formats such as JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF and TIFF, or render charts and other objects to images.
· Muhammad Sohail · 3 min

Work with Pivot Tables in Spreadsheets using Aspose Cloud SDK for iOS

Aspose.Cells Cloud Aspose.Cells Cloud is a REST API that helps you create, manipulate and convert spreadsheets in the cloud. It allows you to work with all aspects of spreadsheets: worksheets, rows, columns, cells, text, data, images, links, comments, formulas, charts, and many more. Use Aspose.Cells Cloud to create spreadsheets from scratch, manipulate spreadsheets, and convert spreadsheets to other formats. Render a spreadsheet to image formats such as JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF and TIFF, or render charts and other objects to images.
· Muhammad Sohail · 3 min