
Aspose.Words の紹介とその他のニュース (2015年 11月)

a { color: #21649f; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; border: none; outline: none; } a:hover { color: #21649f; text-decoration: underline; } ブラウザーで表示 SNS で共有: 今月の最新ニュース 2015年 11月 さまざまなドキュメント操作を .NET や Java アプリでダイレクトに処理できます。 Aspose.Words for .NET / Java 製品は、さまざまなオプションが提供されるネイティブ API で、Microsoft Word や関連する RTF、XPS、Office Open XML などの形式のファイルを操作できます。Aspose.Words により、ドキュメントの生成、修正、変換、出力、印刷などをアプリケーション内で行うことが可能です。 無償体験版はこちら![![Download for .NET][1] [![Download for Java][2] 最新ニュース Aspose.Note for Java が間もなくリリース予定! Aspose.Note for Java API が間もなくリリースされます。この製品により、Java アプリケーション開発者は Microsoft OneNote ファイル形式内部の複雑な構成を意識することなく、アプリケーション内で OneNote ドキュメントを操作することができます。詳細はこちら。 製品ニュース Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK for Objective C を使用して iOS アプリでスプレッドシートの生成、操作、変換
· Chrons · 2 min

Spotlight on Aspose.Words and News from Aspose, November 2015

a { color: #21649f; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; border: none; outline: none; } a:hover { color: #21649f; text-decoration: underline; } View this email in your browser Share this issue: Monthly Newsletter November, 2015 Need to Perform a Wide Range of Document Processing Tasks Directly within your .NET or Java applications? Aspose.Words for .NET and Java are native APIs that give you a wide range of options for working with Microsoft Word and similar file formats like RTF, XPS, and Office Open XML.
· Chrons · 5 min

New release of Aspose Cloud for Laravel - Now with Laravel 5 Support

Introduction to Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching. Read More Aspose Cloud Aspose Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Before Aspose Cloud APIs document processing and manipulation tasks were not so easy.
· Masood Anwer · 2 min

New Release of Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for Python – A Cloud SDK to work with image conversion, manipulation, properties and TIFF frames in Python Using Powerful Aspose.Imaging Cloud APIs

Aspose.Imaging Cloud Aspose.Imaging Cloud’s platform independent image manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Imaging Cloud lets you use a REST API to inspect, convert, and transform images in the cloud. It supports the most popular image formats such as PSD, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and JPEG, and conversion between them.
· Farooq Sheikh · 3 min

New Release of Aspose.Email Cloud SDK for Python – A Cloud SDK to work with emails (EML, MHT, MSG) in Python Using Powerful Aspose.Email Cloud APIs

Aspose.Email Cloud Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for manipulating email in the cloud. It is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Email Cloud allows developers to provide capabilities of processing email messages in their applications. Aspose.Email Cloud is a complete solution that allows you to create email archiving applications that work with common email file formats.
· Farooq Sheikh · 3 min

Create, Manipulate and Convert Word Documents in iOS apps using Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Objective C

Aspose.Words Cloud Aspose.Words Cloud, a cloud-based document creation, manipulation and conversion API, helps you process documents with its many flexible features. You can perform a wide variety of document operations with Aspose.Words Cloud’s REST API. Create a new document from scratch, modify an existing document, convert documents to different formats, and render the document to images. Aspose.Words Cloud allows you to convert documents to DOC, DOCX, XPS, TIFF, PDF, HTML, SWF, and many other formats.
· Muhammad Sohail · 2 min

New Release of Aspose.Tasks Cloud SDK for Python – A Complete Solution For Integrating Microsoft Project Document in Python Using Powerful Aspose.Tasks Cloud APIs

Aspose.Tasks Cloud Aspose.Tasks Cloud is a REST API for manipulating Microsoft Project documents in the cloud. It is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Tasks Cloud allows developers to manipulate project data including Tasks, Resources, Task links, and Assignments. Aspose.Tasks Cloud is a complete solution that allows you to work with all aspects of a Project document including conversion and manipulation of project’s tasks, task links, resources, resource assignments and extended attribute data.
· Farooq Sheikh · 3 min

Generate and Recognize Barcode Using new Aspose.BarCode Cloud SDK for PHP

Aspose.BarCode Cloud for PHP allows quick and easy generation and recognition of barcodes in PHP based application. It helps us to generate barcode images from scratch in linear (1D), two dimensional (2D), and postal formats. Generate barcode images in a variety of image formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and many others. Recognize barcodes from different image types: Learn More Supported Barcode Symbologies Australia Post Code93 Standard IATA 2 of 5
· Imran Anwar · 2 min

New Release of Aspose.Barcode Cloud SDK for Python – A Complete Solution For Barcode Generation and Recognition in Python Using Powerful Aspose.Barcode Cloud APIs

Aspose.BarCode for Cloud Aspose.BarCode for Cloud’s platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.BarCode for Cloud allows developers to quickly and easily add barcode generation and recognition functionality to their applications. Aspose.BarCode for Cloud is a complete solution for barcode generation and recognition.
· Farooq Sheikh · 3 min

Aspose .NET Export Users and Roles to Word for DNN Module

[![aspose Words for net][1]. Module lists all the DNN users along with their roles and makes is easy and simple to export those into any supported format. This initial version of the module provides the following features: Easily Choose Users along with their Roles to Export. You can select one or more users along with their roles to export. Export Users and Roles To Doc, Dot, Docx, Docm, Dotx, Dotm, Rtf, Odt, Ott and Txt formats.
· Assad Mahmood · 2 min