Programmatically generate or recognize Barcode
Aspose.BarCode Cloud is a platform independent REST architecture based APIs offering the capabilities to generate barcode as well as recognize existing barcode images with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Python, Node.js, Go and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. So with the help of Aspose.BarCode for Cloud, you can quickly and easily add barcode generation and recognition functionality to your applications. This complete solution for barcode generation and recognition helps you to generate barcode images from scratch in linear (1D, two dimensional (2D)), and postal formats. Generate barcode images in a variety of image formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and many others. You may consider visiting the following links to further details on supported Barcode types and file formats.
Now, let’s explore some details about the exiting features in the latest release version of Aspose.Barcode Cloud SDK for Node.js. This is a major revamp release for Node.js language and provides a complete solution for barcode generation and recognition in Node.js using powerful Aspose.BarCode Cloud APIs, so you can perform barcode generation and recognition operations in the cloud seamlessly.
Owing to promise of keeping the technology accessible and open for everyone, the complete source code of Aspose.Barcode Cloud SDK for Node.js is freely available on your GitHub. In order to setup Aspose.BarCode Cloud SDK for Node.js, please try installing the package directing from npm (package manager for javascript). Please execute the following command to install the latest release version from npm: npm install aspose-barcode-cloud-node
In order to manipulate any files, you first need to upload them to the Aspose cloud storage or 3rd party cloud storage. For further information, please visit Generate and Save Barcodes in Cloud.
var fs = require('fs');
var assert = require('assert');
var BarcodeApi = require('asposebarcodecloud');
var AppSID = 'XXX'; //sepcify App SID
var AppKey = 'XXX'; //sepcify App Key
var config = {'appSid':AppSID,'apiKey':AppKey};
try {
//Instantiate Aspose.BarCode API SDK
var barcodeApi = new BarcodeApi(config);
//set input file name
var text= "Aspose.BarCode for Cloud";
var type= "qr";
var format= "png";
//invoke Aspose.BarCode Cloud SDK API to create barcode and save image to a stream
barcodeApi.GetBarcodeGenerate(text, type, format, null, null, null, null, null, function(responseMessage) {
assert.equal(responseMessage.status, 'OK');
//download generated barcode from api response
var outfilename = name + "." + format;
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('c:/temp/' + outfilename);
}catch (e) {
console.log("exception in example");
Aspose.BarCode Cloud API Documentation guides you to get started with the specific resources and amazing operations offered by this REST API. You may also consider consulting the sample code snippets / examples already bundled in Github package.
Useful Links
Please consider visiting following links to learn about:
- Generate and Save Barcodes in Cloud
- Manage and Optimize Barcode Recognition in Cloud
- Customize Barcode Appearance
- Free product support forum
Start a free trial today by subscribing an account over Aspose.Cloud dashboard. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try the powerful file processing features offered by Aspose Cloud.