Aspose Cloud has been always putting efforts to provide best products to you for your document manipulation. You can work with various aspects of different file formats using Aspose.Cloud REST APIs. These REST based APIs support a variety of features for documents like MS Word documents, PDFs, worksheets, slides, images etc. Aspose Cloud APIs are platform independent and you can integrate the features using any language of your choice such as .NET, Java, Ruby and PHP across any platform. Text extraction plays an important role in document manipulation tasks.

There might be scenarios where you need to extract text from different file formats. Aspose Cloud APIs support this very important feature and provide quality results with accuracy. Aspose Cloud APIs ensure that the document quality after text extraction does not degrade over time. While using Aspose.Words Cloud, you can easily get all Paragraphs from Word document or obtain the formatting properties of paragraph such as font type, font size and color is maintained in extracted text. Text extraction can be performed on different components of a PDF file such as whole document, specific page or a specific fragment.

PDF Processing API

You can also retrieve the formatting information from extracted text such as font type, font style and font size through Aspose.PDF Cloud API. Aspose.OCR Cloud allows you to extract text from BMP and TIFF images and generate editable text-based document using REST API. You can also recognize the font attributes from extracted text such as font type, font style and font size through Aspose.OCR Cloud. You can get text from the workbook in paragraphs and the formatting information such as font type, font size and color is maintained in extracted text.

PowerPoint Processing API

Aspose.Slides Cloud allows you to get all text items from the presentation or a single slide in the cloud. Text extraction is quick, accurate and you can index the extracted text for search within the document. For more information, please refer to Aspose Cloud APIs documentation.

We have REST examples and SDKs for each of the file format APIs. You can utilize these examples to incorporate text extraction feature into your applications and get the desired results. You can download the source code of Cloud SDK from Github and extract text from any file format using Aspose Cloud file format REST APIs. We would appreciate your valuable feedback regarding our REST APIs and in case of any related query, please feel free to contact us through Free support forum.

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