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Product News

Populate HTML Template Document with External Data

Aspose.HTML Cloud allows to manipulate and translate HTML file in cloud. The REST APIs and language specific cloud SDKs support to use HTML document as a template to populate it with some external data. Source data can be in various formats, such as XML, JSON etc. Read more details here.

Issue Resolved: Misalignment of PowerPoint Presentations while Converting Slides to SVG Forma

Aspose.Slides Cloud allows cloud developers to create, edit or convert PowerPoint presentation files using cloud SDKs developed on top of Aspose REST APIs. This new release announces number of feature enhancements and improvements such as: fixing misalignment of a Slide while converting Slides to SVG format and pages with embedded fonts will now be exported properly to PDF. Read more details here.

Microsoft Project Management Cloud APIs and SDKs

Aspose.Tasks Cloud offers SDKs for .NET, PHP and cURL to create, edit or convert Microsoft Project® document formats in cloud. The current version allows to make changes in ExtendedAttribute type. Add fields such as ‘DateValue’, ‘DurationValue’, ‘NumericValue’, ‘FlagValue’, ‘TextValue’ and removed fields such as ‘DurationFormat’, ‘Value’ and ‘AttributeType. Read more details here.

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