OMR Answer-sheets online
We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.OMR Cloud 18.12. We added a new feature in OMR Kernel that lets you pass-through numeration in multiple answer sheets. We also made a few enhancements such as recognition call report, and improve user experience with Template Generator API. Moreover, we introduced a new feature in the GUI OMR Editor (Cloud Client) which is to implement “Snap To Elements” option during template markup creation. We also made a few improvements in UI and UX. For a detailed note on what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of APIs Documentation.
New Features and Enhancements
OMR.Kernel (Cloud)
A new feature has been introduced that lets us pass-through numeration in multiple answer sheets. Moreover, a few enhancements, such as recognition call report, and improve user experience with Template Generator API, have been made.
GUI OMR Editor (Cloud client)
A new feature, implement Snap To Elements option during template markup creation, has been introduced. Furthermore, a few improvements have been made in the client UI and UX.
Aspose Cloud Resources
You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API.
Product Overview – An overview of Aspose.OMR Cloud APIs
Product Documentation – Detailed API documentation with code examples and details about API functional areas
Aspose.OMR-Cloud SDK – The repository contains sample applications that demonstrate how to perform common OMR with Aspose.OMR API
API Reference Guide – Quickly browse through all Aspose.OMR Cloud APIs and test them in the browser
Aspose.OMR Forum – Our online support forum where we address your queries