
VTX to JPG - Convert VTX to JPG in C#

How to open Visio files without Visio software? Yes, in this article we are going to address the above questions. We all are aware that in order to edit and view Visio files, we need to use the Microsoft Visio application. But Visio application is not available on platforms other than Windows and in order to just view the Visio diagram, the installation and licensing can be a tedious and time-consuming effort.
· Nayyer Shahbaz · 4 min

VSSX to SVG - Convert VSSX to SVG in C#

Microsoft Visio is often utilized in business settings to organize, visualize, and communicate complex workflows, such as organizational charts, database models, business flowcharts diagrams. Microsoft introduced the VSSX format when it released Visio 2013. VSSX is a Zip-based format that replaced the binary-based VSS format and can be utilized by Visio 2013 and above. Therefore, in order to open, edit, and save VSSX files, we use Microsoft Visio. But, it is only available on the Windows platform and Microsoft does not have a desktop version of Visio for macOS or Linux platform.
· Nayyer Shahbaz · 5 min

Convert VSD to SVG in C#. Save Visio to SVG using C#

VSD file format is the native format of the Microsoft Visio application and contains advanced diagrams and vector graphics. This format made the presentation of diagrams, organizational charts, and complicated flowcharts quite handly. However, in order to view these files, specific software such as Microsoft Visio, etc is required, and also, if we need to put these details over the webpage, it gets quite complicated. Therefore, we may opt to convert the VSD files to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
· Nayyer Shahbaz · 4 min

Convert VSDX to PDF with Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for PHP

Hello Guys! We’re pleased to share another important monthly release of Aspose.Diagram Cloud API release, 19.10. In this blog post I’ll introduce you with the new features and enhancements of the release using VSDX to PDF conversion feature. In this release, we’ve made significant updates to improve performance and stability of Aspose.Diagram Cloud to make it the developer’s first choice for Microsoft Visio file format manipulation without depending on Microsoft Visio.
· Tilal Ahmad · 2 min

Create, Read, or Convert Microsoft Visio Diagram with Aspose.Diagram Cloud

Aspose is extending its community by providing robust and efficient file formatting APIs. We are glad to announce our another Cloud API named Aspose.Diagram Cloud. It is a platform independent REST API, that allows developers to work with Microsoft Visio files in their application without installing Microsoft Visio. It seamlessly enhances your application with the capability to create, read and convert Microsoft Visio Diagram files using a simple set of requests.
· Tilal Ahmad · 4 min