3DS to STL

How to Convert 3DS to STL using .NET REST API

The 3DS format holds complex geometry, materials, and textures, making it a go-to format for designers and animators. However, when it comes to 3D printing, the STL format reigns supreme. STL (Stereolithography) is lightweight and efficient for representing surface geometry, making it ideal for 3D printers and CAD applications. Therefore, the conversion between 3DS to STL format enhances model sharing across different platforms, making it a crucial step for professionals in the design, engineering, and manufacturing industries.

3D Max Conversion API

Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for .NET offers powerful and flexible tools for converting 3D Max (3DS) files to STL format seamlessly. With this SDK, developers can automate complex 3D file conversions without requiring any heavy desktop software. This SDK is ideal for use in applications like 3D printing, CAD tools, and model visualization, streamlining the workflow between design and physical production.


The first step in the utilization of SDK is its installation. Please search Aspose.3D-Cloud in the NuGet packages manager and click the Add Package button. Secondly, obtain your client credentials from the cloud dashboard. In case you do not have an existing account, create a free account by following the instructions specified in the Quick Start article.

Convert 3DS to STL in C#

Let’s explore the details of how we can use C# .NET code snippet to perform the 3DS to STL transition and witness the seamless transformation of 3D models from design environments to 3D printing workflows.

ThreeDCloudApi threeDCloudApi = new ThreeDCloudApi("client_credentials", clientID, clientSecret);

create an instance of ThreeDCloudApi, where we pass the Client ID and Client Secret details as arguments.

threeDCloudApi.UploadFile(inputFileName, inputStream);

Upload the input 3DS Max file to the cloud storage.

var response = threeDCloudApi.PostConvertByFormat(inputFileName, "stlascii", newFileName, null, isOverwrite: true, null);

Call the API to perform the 3DS file to STL conversion.

You can provide either of the following values during the conversion process: stlascii or stlbinary.

3DS Max to STL Conversion using cURL Commands

By utilizing the RESTful API, you can easily automate the conversion without relying on any complex desktop applications. Therefore, with a few simple cURL commands, we can upload the 3DS file to Aspose.3D Cloud, specify the desired STL output format, and trigger the conversion.

Step 1: Get Access Token

Firstly, we need an access token to authenticate your API requests. Use the following command to get your token:

curl -v "https://api.aspose.cloud/connect/token" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=Your-App-SID&client_secret=Your-App-Key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Step 2: Upload 3DS File

Once we have the token, upload the 3DS file to Aspose Cloud storage:

curl -v "https://api.aspose.cloud/v3.0/3d/storage/file/input.3ds" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your_access_token" \
--data-binary @sample.3ds

Step 3: Perform 3DS to STL Conversion

To convert the 3DS file to STL, use the following cURL command:

curl -v "https://api.aspose.cloud/v3.0/3d/saveas/newformat?name={inputFile}&newformat=stlascii&newfilename={resultant}&IsOverwrite=false" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"

Replace inputFile with the name of the input 3DS file, resultant with the name of resultant STL, and accessToken with the JWT token generated above.

3DS Max to STL Conversion App

To witness the amazing capabilities of Aspose.3D Cloud, you may consider using a lightweight and super efficient 3DS to STL converter App.

3ds max to stl

A preview of 3DS to STL Converter.


In conclusion, converting 3D Max (3DS) files to STL format using Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for .NET or cURL commands offers a seamless and efficient solution for handling complex 3D model conversions. Whether you are preparing files for 3D printing or optimizing them for CAD applications, the flexibility and capabilities of Aspose.3D Cloud ensure accurate and high-quality results. We highly encourage you to explore these powerful APIs to streamline your 3D model conversion tasks efficiently and effortlessly.

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