Aspose.Imaging Cloud

Image processing API

API to process images in iOS App.

Aspose.Imaging Cloud lets you use a REST API to inspect, convert, and transform images in the cloud. It supports the most popular image formats such as PSD, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and JPEG, and conversion between them. It also provides a rich set of features for manipulating images on-the-fly with cloud based image transformations. You can resize, crop and/or rotate images various ways by simply creating a request that includes the correct transformation instructions. The most demanding imaging routines, for example TIFF concatenation and image conversion to fax compatible format, are available through efficient and reliable specialized resources.

Working with Aspose.Imaging

  1. To integrate Aspose Cloud SDK into your iOS project, please read Getting Started with the Aspose Cloud iOS SDK
  2. Sign up with Aspose Cloud service at: Cloud dashboard.
  3. Create a new App and get your App SID and App Key.
  4. Call setAppKey:andAppSID: class method of ASPOSEApp with your App SID and App Key as an arguments to this method.
  5. Set the base product URI to by calling setBaseProductUri: class method of ASPOSEProduct.
  6. Import AsposeAPI header file in your class.
  7. Now we are ready to work with Aspose.Imaging APIs.


Resize image stored on device and optionally change format

+ (NSString *) resizeLocallyStoredImage:(NSData *) fileData 
               newWidth:(NSInteger) newWidth newHeight:(NSInteger) newHeight 
               outputFileFormat:(NSString *) format 
               andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Resize image stored on cloud and optionally change format

+ (NSString *) resizeImageStoredOnClound:(NSString *) fileName 
               newWidth:(NSInteger) newWidth newHeight:(NSInteger) newHeight 
               outputFileFormat:(NSString *) format 
               andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Crop image stored on device and optionally change format

+ (NSString *) cropLocallyStoredImage:(NSData *) fileData 
               xPositionOfStartingPoint:(NSInteger) x 
               yPositionOfStartingPoint:(NSInteger) y 
               widthOfCroppingRectangle:(NSInteger) width 
               heightOfCroppingRectangle:(NSInteger) height 
               outputFileFormat:(NSString *) format 
               andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Crop image stored on cloud and optionally change format

+ (NSString *) cropImageStoredOnClound:(NSString *) fileName 
               xPositionOfStartingPoint:(NSInteger) x 
               yPositionOfStartingPoint:(NSInteger) y 
               widthOfCroppingRectangle:(NSInteger) width 
               heightOfCroppingRectangle:(NSInteger) height 
               outputFileFormat:(NSString *) format 
               andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Rotate and Flip image stored on device and optionally change format

+ (NSString *) rotateFlipLocallyStoredImage:(NSData *) fileData 
               rotateFlipMethod:(NSString *) rotateFlipMethod 
               outputFileFormat:(NSString *) format 
               andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Rotate and Flip image stored on cloud and optionally change format

+ (NSString *) rotateFlipImageStoredOnClound:(NSString *) fileName 
               rotateFlipMethod:(NSString *) rotateFlipMethod 
               outputFileFormat:(NSString *) format 
               andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Change format of image stored on device

+ (NSString *) changeLocallyStoredImageFormat:(NSData *) fileData 
               format:(NSString *) format andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Change format of image stored on cloud

+ (NSString *) changeFormatOfImageStoredOnCloud:(NSString *) fileName 
               format:(NSString *) format andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Merge 2 TIFF files

+ (BOOL) mergeTiffImages:(NSString *) srcTiffFile 
         appendTiffFile:(NSString *) appendTiffFile;

Convert Tiff image to Fax compatible format

+ (NSString *) convertTiffImageToFaxCompatibleFormat:(NSString *) fileName 
               andSaveAs:(NSString *) outFileName;

Unit Tests for Aspose.Imaging

To help you get started we also provided unit test coverage to Aspose.Imaging APIs.


Please download latest release of Aspose_Cloud_SDK_For_iOS from following URL

Start a Free Trial Today

Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with Aspose Cloud service. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try powerful file processing features offered by Aspose Cloud.

Customer Feedback

Your feedback is very important to us. Please feel free to provide feedback and raise feature requirements. We are keen to implement customer driven features since we are a 100% customer driven company.