We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose Cloud PHP SDK as per Aspose Cloud With this new release, the create, read, manipulate and export features are greatly improved, and many new resources have been implemented. For an overview, you can now manipulate hyperlinks in spredsheets with Aspose.Cells Cloud API. Get a hyperlink, add a hyperlink, Update or delete hyperlinks from a workbbok.

New Aspose.PDF Methods[Find and Replace Multiple Texts][4] – Replace multiple text elements of a PDF file or page with a single API call.

Aspose.Imaging Cloud API ImplementedWe’ve implemented the Aspose.Imaging Cloud API along with the following initial functions:

  • Convert TIFF file toFax
  • Append TIFF files

Support for TIFF images has been extended in Aspose.Imaging Cloud API. Now you can convert TIFF files as well as append them as per your requirements. Following is a demonstation of how these features could be used with REST APIs to produce efficient results.

Sample Code - Append TIFF File

use Aspose\Cloud\Common\AsposeApp;
use Aspose\Cloud\Common\Product;
use Aspose\Cloud\Imaging\Image;

AsposeApp::$appSID = '3395ba5c-***';
AsposeApp::$appKey = 'e8dd1b0cd***';

/* * Creating the object of Image Class with a perameter $fileName */
$imgObj = new Image('Page1.tiff');

// Call appendTiff method and provide the second tiff file to append in the first one.

Sample Code - Convert TIFF File to Fax Format

use Aspose\Cloud\Common\AsposeApp;
use Aspose\Cloud\Common\Product;
use Aspose\Cloud\Imaging\Image;

AsposeApp::$appSID = '3395ba5c-***';
AsposeApp::$appKey = 'e8dd1b0cd***';

/* * Creating the object of Image Class with a perameter $fileName */
$imgObj = new Image('MyTiffFile.tiff');

// Call convertTiffToFax method.

[2]: https://blog.aspose.cloud/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2019/11/aspose_cells_for_cloud-150x150.png)[Delete Hyperlinks from Excel Worksheets](https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/cellscloud/Delete+Hyperlinks+from+Excel+Worksheet [3]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/cellscloud/Working+with+Hyperlink [4]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/pdfcloud/Replace+occurrences+of+a+Text+in+a+PDF+Document