[![Aspose.Tasks Cloud][1] of APIs Documentation.
New Features and Enhancements
- Added API for reading UIDs of projects in multi-project files. Details can be found [here][2].
- Added API for importing the project with the specified UID from primavera DB formats (Primavera SQLite .db or Primavera XML). Details can be found [here][3].
- Added API for importing the project with the specified Uid from a public MS Project database specified by a connection string. Details can be found [here][4].
- Changes in Task type
- added field DurationText (The duration of a task entered by the user as a text)
- added field ExternalTaskProject (The source location and task identifier of an external task)
- added field ExternalId (If a task is an external task the property contains the task’s external Id)
- added field StartText (Returns the task’s start text)
- added field FinishText (Returns the task’s finish text)
- added field ActualWorkProtected (The duration through which actual work is protected)
- added field ActualOvertimeWorkProtected (The duration through which actual overtime work is protected)
- added field IsResumeValid (Determines whether a task can be resumed)
- added field Stop (The date that represents the end of the actual portion of a task)
- added field ManualStart (Manually scheduled start of a task)
- added field ManualFinish (Manually scheduled finish of a task)
- added field ManualDuration(Defines manually scheduled duration of a task)
- added field NotesRTF (The text notes in RTF format)
- added field IgnoreWarnings (Indicates whether to hide the schedule conflict warning indicator in Microsoft Project)
- added field IsExpanded (Determines whether a summary task is expanded or not in GanttChart view)
- added field DisplayOnTimeline (Specifies whether a task should be displayed on a timeline view)
- added field DisplayAsSummary (Determines whether the task should be displayed as a summary task)
- added field Hyperlink (The title or explanatory text for a hyperlink associated with a task)
- added field HyperlinkAddress (The address for a hyperlink associated with a task)
- added field HyperlinkSubAddress (The specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a task)
- added field EarnedValueMethod (Determines whether the % Complete or Physical % Complete field should be used to calculate budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP))
- added field IsPublished (Determines whether the current task should be published to Project Server with the rest of the project)
- added field StatusManager (The name of the enterprise resource who is to receive status updates for the current task from resources)
- added field CommitmentStart (The start date of a delivery)
- added field CommitmentFinish (The finish date of a delivery)
- added field CommitmentType (Determines whether a task has an associated delivery or a dependency on an associated delivery)
- Changes in Resource type:
- [Breaking] RateScale field (previously integer) now is limited to the following values: ‘Undefined’, ‘Minute’, ‘Hour’, ‘Day’, ‘Week’, ‘Month’, ‘Quarter’, ‘Year’
- added field Guid (Contains the generated unique identification code for the resource)
- added field WindowsUserAccount (The NT account associated with a resource)
- added field Workgroup (The type of a workgroup to which a resource belongs)
- added field Notes (The text notes associated with a resource)
- added field NotesRTF (The text notes in RTF format)
- Added an API to get the collection of work weeks of the specified calendar. Details can be found [here][5].
- Added an API to get VBA Project. Details can be found [here][6].
- Added an API to move a Task to another position under the same Parent and the same Outline Level. Details can be found [here][7].
- [Breaking] API for converting project file to the specified format is renamed. Details can be found [here][8].
- Added an API to convert Project Document to the other Format with the specified Save Options
- [Breaking] Some enum field in API’s objects were serialized to JSON as integer values. Now it’s fixed.
- API tasks/{filename}/recalculate/project now have a boolean parameter “validate” which specifies that validation should be performed before the recalculation.
- An API added to get page count for the project to be rendered using specified time interval and given timescale. You can also specify Presentation format and Page size.
- An API added to add a new Extended Attribute definition to a Project. Details can be found [here][9].
- An API added to get timescaled data for a task, resource, and assignment with the specified Uid.
- Change in CalendarException type:
- added Index field (Index of the current item in the collection of calendar’s exceptions)
- [Breaking] The DELETE request to the following endpoints now return 404 NotFound status if the specified entity is not found. Previously returned status was: 200 OK
- [Breaking] Baseline-related properties are moved from the following types: Task, Resource, Assignment to the nested arrays.
Aspose Cloud Resources
You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API:
[Product Overview][10] – An overview of Aspose.Tasks Cloud APIs
[Product Documentation][11] – Detailed API documentation with code examples and details about API functional areas
[API Reference Guide][12] – Quickly browse through all Aspose.Tasks Cloud APIs and test them in the browser
[Aspose.Tasks Forum][13] – Our free online support forum where we address your queries and inquiries
[1]: https://blog.aspose.cloud/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2018/04/aspose_tasks-for-cloud.png “Aspose.Tasks Cloud”)](https://products.aspose.cloud/tasks/cloud)We are pleased to announce the new monthly release of Aspose.Tasks Cloud 18.2. This release introduced a number of APIs, for example, an API to convert Project Document to other Format, Read UIDs of projects in multi-project files and to import the project with the specified UID. For a detailed note on what is new and fixed, please visit the [release notes section](https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Aspose.Tasks+for+Cloud+18.2+Release+Notes [2]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Get+UIDs+of+Projects+in+Multi-Project+files [3]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Import+Project+with+the+specified+UID+from+File [4]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Import+Project+with+the+specified+UID+from+a+Database [5]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Get+the+collection+of+Work+Weeks+of+the+specified+Calendar [6]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Get+VBA+Project [7]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Move+a+Task+to+another+position+under+the+same+Parent+and+the+same+Outline+Level [8]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Convert+Project+Document+to+the+specified+Format [9]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Add+a+new+Extended+Attribute+definition+to+a+Project [10]: https://products.aspose.cloud/tasks/cloud [11]: https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/taskscloud/Home [12]: https://apireference.aspose.cloud/tasks/ [13]: https://forum.aspose.cloud/