Add & delete charts from workbooks using Aspose.Cells Cloud REST API
Aspose.Cells for Cloud is a REST API that allows you to create, manipulate, and convert spreadsheets in the cloud. Using Aspose.Cells for Cloud, manipulation of worksheets elements such as rows, columns, cells, text, data, images, hyperlinks etc. is simple and quick. You can add or delete charts in workbooks or you may choose to extract text from worksheets.
The API allows you to add charts in worksheets to give a graphical representation of your data.
Protect and unprotect workbooks using Aspose.Cells Cloud REST API
Aspose.Cells for Cloud is a REST API that enables you to create spreadsheets from scratch, manipulate spreadsheets, and convert spreadsheets to other formats. It is a platform independent API that can be used across various platforms, in any programming language. You can work with several aspects of your workbook like adding comments, hyperlinks, pictures or validation rules in a cell etc.
Aspose.Cells for Cloud offers to secure your workbooks from unauthorized access to modify the structure.
Extract text from spreadsheets using Aspose.Cells Cloud REST API
Extract from Excel worksheet using REST API. Extract text from complete workbook or selected worksheet using .NET Cloud SDK.
Convert XLS and XLSX spreadsheets to different file formats using REST API
Perform Excel to PDF, Excel to HTML, Excel to CSV and various other formats using REST APIs. All this conversion with few lines of code.