[![][1] We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides Cloud 17.6.
This new release adds support for specifying the location for a custom font, using the fontLocation parameter. Please check [Aspose.Slides Cloud 17.6 Release Notes][2] for summarised information about all changes in this release.
New Features and Enhancements
- Implement fontLocation Paramter
You can specify the fontLocation parameter for custom embedded fonts when converting a Power Point slide to other formats. Please read [Using Custom Fonts][3] for more information.
- Bug Fixes and Enhancements
Aspose.Slides Cloud 17.6 also has the following bug fixes :
- Resolution of parameter not valid Exception when converting to PDF.
- Resolution of Version Number missing in response URL returned by an API call.
- Resolution of unsupported custom fonts during PDF conversion.
Aspose Cloud ResourcesFollowing are the links to some useful resources you may need to accomplish your tasks.
- Aspose.Slides Cloud
- Aspose.Slides Cloud Online Documentation
- Aspose Cloud UI Help Topics
- Aspose.Slides Forum
- Live Examples
- Aspose Cloud SDKs
- Aspose Cloud Plugins
- Work with Third Party Storages
[1]: https://blogs.asposeptyltd.com/cloudsite/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2013/08/aspose-Slides-for-Java_100.png “Aspose.Slides for Java logo”)](https://blogs.asposeptyltd.com/cloudsite/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2013/08/aspose-Slides-for-Java_100.png [2]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidescloud/Aspose.Slides+for+Cloud+17.6+Release+Notes [3]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidescloud/Using+fontsLocation+Parameter+to+specify+custom+fonts